New Delhi: The Embassy of India in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Sunday requested all Indian nationals who still remain in Ukraine to fill up the details contained in an attached Google Form on an urgent basis.

The Embassy has asked all Indian citizens who are stranded in Ukraine, and who are yet to depart from their respective addresses and want to be evacuated, to urgently to fill up the form.

In the form, one must fill details such as email address, the name as mentioned in Passport, Passport number, and the address of present stay. The person must also specify his or her location in Ukraine, and provide his or her contact number in Ukraine as well as in India. 

Earlier in the day, the Indian Embassy said in a tweet that Pisochyn has been evacuated of all Indian citizens. The Indian government had organised buses and sent them to Pisochyn to evacuate all Indian nationals from the region, through Operation Ganga. There were 298 students in Pisochyn, according to the Embassy. 

ALSO READ: Operation Ganga: The Complete Timeline Of Evacuation Flights Bringing Back Indians Stuck In Ukraine

The Indian Embassy said Saturday that it was exploring all possible mechanisms to ensure a safe and secure evacuation of Indian citizens in Sumy. The Embassy said in a tweet that it had discussed evacuation and identification of exit routes with all interlocuters including Red Cross.