New Delhi: Japanese ambassador to India, Hiroshi F Suzuki on Monday encouraged Indian people, especially youths, to consider studying and working in Japan. He emphasized the ease of obtaining visas and the abundance of skill training and employment prospects awaiting them in Japan.


He made the remarks while appearing in a video posted by Hindi-speaking YouTuber Mayo San.


In the interview, Ambassador Suzuki said, “I have one message for Indian people, particularly, to young people of India. Please go to Japan to study and work. If you are a student, it’s so easy to get a visa."


“If you are a student, all you have to do is present your student ID. I am encouraging young Indian people to go to Japan to get skill training and job opportunities," he added.

When asked about his favourite Indian food in the interview, the Japanese envoy said, "I'm impressed with so many delicious foods across India but what impressed me most was Misal Pav in Pune. I had a competition with my wife to see who can eat more spicy hot food and she completely beat me in the composition. The video clip was retweeted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi."

Speaking about his favorite places in India, Ambassador Suzuki said that he loved visiting Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan and the "moonlight plucking" of tea leaves in Darjeeling.


On a question about a big difference between the two countries, the envoy said, “For me, (it’s) language because in Japan we have dialects but we have the same writing. In India, there are so many different writings. It's amazing! it's like having 28 different countries almost. Each state is like a country here."


Speaking on the similarity between India and Japan, the envoy described Indian hospitality as “exceptional," akin to its own culture of “Omotenashi."