New Delhi: The Indian government will not send any official representative to the Pakistan National Day event at the Pakistan Mission in New Delhi on Friday. As per sources, it has been learnt that the government decided against sending any representative to the event because Pakistan had invited the representatives of the Hurriyat Conference to the event.

The Pakistan National Day is observed every year on March 23. However, the Pakistan high commission had decided to organise the reception this year on March 22.

An Indian minister usually represents the government at the event.

Amid the heated tensions in the bilateral ties between the two sub continent nations following the Pulwama terror attack last month, India had formally complained to the Pakistan government about instances of its diplomats and officials in Islamabad being harassed by security personnel.

In a note verbale – an unsigned diplomatic correspondence – submitted to Pakistan’s foreign ministry on March 18, the Indian high commission in Islamabad detailed the incidents that occurred last week and sought an investigation, people familiar with developments said.