A network-independent, real-time tracking & messaging module- 'SANCHAR' has been developed by the Indian army for use by all defence forces & paramilitary. It will be used in operations by the defence forces and paramilitary to track their team members & assets in the battlefield area, reported news agency ANI.

Having constant awareness about the movement and presence of the soldiers in a military operation including the assets is has always been very challenging for the security forces. This module will help real-time tracking of soldiers and assets during military operations.

An Army team of Captain Karan Singh & Sub PG Sapre have developed the ‘SANCHAR’ system. Captain Singh is currently posted in earthquake-hit Turkiye for relief operations.

The ‘SANCHAR’ system is also being used in Turkiye in areas where Indian Army teams have been deployed to provide relief to the local population.

Earlier in January this year, the Indian Army's Northern Command charted a roadmap to infuse the latest 'Aatmanirbhar' technologies to fight future wars. The roadmap was prepared at a two-day Northern Command Techno Commanders' Seminar.

Also in 2021, the Indian Army launched a new messaging application called ASIGMA for in-house communication. ASIGMA stands for Army Secure IndiGeneous Messaging Application. It was developed entirely in-house by a team of officers of the Corps of Signals. According to a statement from the Indian Army, the bespoke messaging application offers an enchanced user experience and satisfies all futuristic user requirements. It was observed that ASIGMA offers a number of modern features, such as multi-level security, message prioritisation and tracking, a dynamic global address book, and several options to satisfy the needs of the Army.

The Indian Army has made significant efforts for automation, especially post-COVID-19 outbreak, and has said that it is moving rapidly towards a paperless functioning.

(With inputs from ANI)