JAMMU: Retaliating to the continued ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops, the Indian Army on Tuesday destroyed their seven military posts across the Line of Control. India's retaliatory firings also inflicted several casualties also on Pakistani troops.

Seven Pakistani posts across the LoC in Rakhchakri and Rawalkot forward areas of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) were destroyed, PTI quoted officials as saying. There have been several causalities also on the Pakistani side, they said.

Three Indian villagers too were injured at Shahpur border area in Poonch district Tuesday in the shelling by the Pakistani army, the officials added.

Pakistan's Inter-Services Public Relations admitted three casualties among their troops at Rakhchakri in Rawalakot of the Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.

An Indian Defence spokesperson said the Pakistani army began violating ceasefire early Tuesday.

The spokesperson said the Pakistani troops violated the ceasefire at 11.30 am with mortar and artillery shelling and firings by small arms along the LoC in Nowshera sector in Rajouri district.

This violation was replied befittingly, he added.

"At about 1700 hours Tuesday, the Pakistani army again initiated unprovoked shelling with mortars and firing of small arms along the LoC in Shahpur & Kerni sectors in Poonch district," said the Defence spokesperson.

"The Indian Army too is retaliating befittingly," he said.

Pakistan's ISPR too, in a release, said three of their soldiers were killed Rakhchakri in Rawalakot Tuesday in retaliation by Indian forces along the Line of Control.

The ISPR identified their slain soldiers as "Subedar Muhammad Riaz, a resident of Jhang, Lance Havaldar Aziz Ullah from Noshero Feroz and Sepoy Shahid Mansib from Abbotabbad."

The ISPR added one of their soldiers too was injured in the retaliation by Indian Army.

A 6-year old girl, a woman and an Inspector of the Border Security Force (BSF) were killed and 13 others injured in indiscriminate shelling and firing by the Pakistan Army along the Line of Control in Poonch district on Monday.

Authorities closed all educational institutions within a five kilometre distance of the LoC in Poonch district as a precaution.

(With inputs from PTI)