New Delhi: Days after some rumoured reports claiming that ten Indian Army soldiers were captured by counterpart China, it has been revealed that Indian forces had captured a top-level officer and at least 15 soldiers of Chinese Army post-India-China faceoff in Ladakh's Galwan Valley on Monday. The 15 soldiers in Indian captivity were released after talks.

It was assumed by the foreign media that some soldiers of the Indian troops might have fallen in the river or held captive by the counterpart after the violent clashes with Chinese troops at Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh. The reports surfaced after as many as twenty soldiers of the Indian Army were martyred during a violent face-off between Indian and Chinese troops at the Line of Actual Control on Monday night.

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Indian Army on Thursday rubbished the report saying that "no soldier is missing and everyone is in the Army camp." Sources have said that as many as 35 casualties were dealt to Chinese troops.

The broader standoff in eastern Ladakh between the two armies was first reported on May 5 after a fist-fight between troops along the Pangong Tso river.

China has now claimed sovereignty over India’s Galwan Valley region and has accused India of violating border protocols. India trashed China's claims of sovereignty over the Galwan Valley and asked Beijing to confine its activities to its side of the LAC, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement which it claims to be a "step-by-step account of the Galwan Valley incident. The statement attributed to the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian was put out on the Chinese Embassy in India's official website.

India has rejected all the allegations made by China and has said Chinese troops tried to modify status quo unilaterally.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday reviewed the situation in eastern Ladakh at a meeting with the top military brass. In the meeting on Sunday, Singh told the top military officers to maintain a strict vigil on Chinese activities around the land border, the airspace and in strategic sea lanes, the sources said.