New Delhi: Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov on Monday said that Russia wants to diversify its overall cooperation with India and the ties between the two countries are not directed against anyone at a conference on 'Next Steps in India-Russia Strategic Partnership; Old Friends New Horizons' in New Delhi.

He further stated the ties are under "stress" due to tectonic geopolitics shifts while pointing towards the Ukraine conflict.

Addressing a conference to mark the 30th anniversary of the India-Russia treaty of friendship and cooperation, Alipov said, "This relationship is not against anyone but to improve ties in which there is respect for each other's interests and basic expectations."

Speaking about India and Russia's relationship, he said "Our relations have always been friendly, equal, trusted & robust. Maybe not so comprehensive as we want them to be, but still very much diversified, mutually beneficial & supportive...respecting each other's interests &meeting core aspirations of our nations."

Talking about various dimensions of time-tested relations between Russia and India, Alipov reaffirmed Moscow's support to a permanent seat for New Delhi at the UN Security Council.

He stated, "Before 2022, efforts to ensure security for all in Europe were thwarted. Attempts to reach a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis were also foiled."

"The West wants to change the global order with exclusive rules made in its own way. No one can explain what these rules are," he added.

According to Alipov, the global order should be based on international rules and laws that the world abides by.

The envoy said both the countries have forged a "very rich architecture" of cooperation that is beneficial to the world and are now looking at the emerging scenario in the trade sector in the backdrop of new economic realities.

"We want to further diversify our relations with India," Alipov said, adding despite attempts to derail the economic engagement, both sides are moving ahead with the trade ties.

On bilateral defence cooperation, the ambassador described the ties as "unprecedented" and took a pot-shot at the US on its promise to transfer of defence technology to India.

"The US is good at advertising. We don't mix technology transfer and politics," he said.

The ties between India and Russia remained strong notwithstanding Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

(With inputs from PTI)