New Delhi: Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman gave a controversial statement on Friday saying that India is a poor country and everyone wants to marry off their daughters soon. Rahman’s statement came a day after the cabinet cleared the proposal to increase the marriageable age for women from 18 to 21 years.

While speaking to news agency ANI, Rahman said that “as far as the girl’s education is concerned, it happens at her home also, and can happen at the in-laws’ house also.”

He clarified that he did not use the word “awargi” and his statement was misquoted after his statement regarding women doing more “awargi” if the age of marriage is increased was criticised.

The SP MP also made clear that the comments made regarding the cabinet’s decision are made in his personal capacity and do not represent the party’s opinion on the same. 

On Thursday, the Union cabinet approved the proposal to increase the legal age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years in order to promote women's empowerment.

The approval essentially meant an amendment in the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, consequently bringing amendments in laws such as the Special Marriage Act, and personal laws such as Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

The announcement for the move was made by the Prime Minister in his Independence Day address in 2020. And the suggestions were submitted through a report in the Niti Aayog by the Centre’s task force headed by Jaya Jaitly in December 2020.