New Delhi: India gave a detailed presentation of Pakistan’s role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks at the UN Security Council counter-terrorism committee meeting on Friday and also played an audio clip of Sajid Mir, one of India’s most wanted terrorists, who can heard directing the operation.

During the meeting, Pankaj Thakur, Joint Secretary, Government of India, told the delegates how the locations of the terror attack were chosen based on iconic status, high footfall, and the presence of foreigners.

He also explained the manner in which the militants were trained across different locations in Pakistan and were in constant touch with LeT handlers throughout the operation.

The official also named Lashkar-e-Taiba head and 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed, Sajid Mir and Major Iqbal of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) during the presentation.

It is to be noted that Sajid Mir is a senior member of the Pakistan-based LeT and is wanted for his involvement in the terror attacks in Mumbai in November 2008. Mir was LeT’s operations manager for the attacks, and he played a lead role in the planning, preparation and execution, according to the US state department.

Earlier in June this year, Mir was jailed for over 15 years in a terror-financing case by an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan.

In the meeting, it was also mentioned that the process of UN making the list of terrorists be made more effective so that no militant is left behind. India also raised the issue of removing Pakistan from the FATF grey list and said activities of countries that impose sanctions related to terrorism should be closely monitored.

Notably, in the UN Security Council meeting, the participants paid homage to the victims of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.

External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar, along with the member states of the UN Security Council and senior officials laid a wreath at the 26/11 memorial site in memory of the victims.