Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that on one hand if India has expanded its 4G/5G network, it has also enhanced its forest cover. Speaking during the World Environment Day event, PM Modi said that India is focusing on environment in a big way just like any other area for its growth. 

"India focusing on environment in a big way just like any other area for its growth," PM Modi said, as quoted by the news agency PTI. On one hand if India has expanded its 4G/5G network, it has also enhanced its forest cover, he added.

PM Modi also said that India is moving ahead with a clear roadmap for environment protection and climate change, while maintaining a balance between present requirements and future vision. "The theme of this year's World Environment Day is to get rid of single-use plastic, an issue about which the world is talking today but India has been working on it consistently for the last four-five years, PM Modi said, as quoted by PTI.

"In 2018 itself, India started working at two levels for getting rid of single-use plastic. On one hand, we banned single-use plastic and on the other hand we made the plastic waste processing mandatory," he said.

He said India is focussing on environment in a big way just like any other area for its growth. "On the one hand, we have provided help to the poor and on the other hand we have also taken major steps keeping in mind the fuel requirements of the future," he said. In the past nine years, India has focussed a lot on 'green and clean energy', Modi said.

Last year, on the occasion of World Environment Day, PM Modi called for a lifestyle that is in tune with the planet and does not harm it and said those with such a lifestyle are known as "pro-planet people". He said that human-centric, collective efforts and robust actions are the 'need of the hour' for sustainable development.

PM Modi launched the global initiative Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) Movement and said, "Today's occasion and the date of the occasion, both are very relevant. We begin the LiFE- Lifestyle For Environment Movement. This year's World Environment Day with the theme of Only One Earth encourages living sustainably in harmony with nature. The seriousness and the solution are beautifully covered in these phrases," as quoted by the news agency ANI.

He said that the need of the hour is human-centric, collective efforts and robust actions that further sustainable development. "Our planet's challenges are well-known to all of us. The need of the hour is human-centric, collective efforts and robust actions that further sustainable development," he said.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude for supporting LiFE - Lifestyle For Environment Movement. "At the Cop26, last year, I prospered for mission LiFE - Lifestyle For Environment Movement. I am grateful that the resolution of the LiFE Movement is being realised today. My gratitude for such record support," he said, as quoted by ANI.

The Prime Minister said that the Mission LiFE borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future. "As the name suggests, LiFE, it is an individual and collective duty to do whatever we can for a better planet. It is a way of living a life that is in tune with the planet and does not harm it. And those who live like this are known as Pro Planet People. Mission LiFE borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future," he said.

He said that the circular economy integral part of our culture and lifestyle. "The secret behind the earth's long life is the harmony how our ancestors maintained with nature. When it comes to tradition almost parts of the world have a tradition that shows simple and sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Our Gods and Goddess have plants and wildlife integrated in their lives. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the concepts woven in our lives. Circular economy has traditionally been part of Indian lifestyle," he said, as quoted by ANI.

He said that the Indians have been able to do many good things for the environment in the country. "Thanks to our 1.3 billion Indians, we have been able to do many good things for the environment in our country. Our forest cover is increasing and so is the population of lions, tigers, leopards, elephants and rhinos," he said.

The Prime Minister said that India's commitment to reach 40 per cent of installed electric capacity from non-fossil-fuel-based sources has been achieved, nine years ahead of schedule.