New Delhi: India’s Covid-19 tally remained below the 3000-mark on Wednesday as the country reported 2,827 new cases in the last 24 hours. The death toll increased to 5,24,181 with 24 fresh fatalities.

With 3,230 recoveries on Wednesday, the total number of recoveries in the country has increased to 4,25,70,165, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said in an update.

India’s active caseload currently stands at 19,067, which constitutes 0.04 per cent of the total positive cases reported in the country. 

The recovery, daily positivity, and weekly positivity rates at present are 98.47 per cent, 0.60 per cent, and 0.2 per cent, respectively. 

As many as 4,71,276 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours. A total of 84.24 crore tests have been conducted in the country so far.

As per provisional reports till 7 am IST on Thursday, India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 190.83 crore, with 1,90,83,96,788 vaccine doses being administered so far, the ministry said.

On March 16, 2022, Covid-19 vaccination for children belonging to the age group of 12 to 14 commenced. As many as 3,10,92,227 adolescents have been administered with the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine so far. 

Administration of the Covid-19 precaution dose for people belonging to the age group of 18 to 59 began on April 10, 2022.

The Central Government has provided 1,93,53,58,865 vaccine doses to States and Union Territories so far, through free of cost channels as well as direct state procurement category. 

As many as 17,80,90,155 Covid-19 vaccine doses are still available with the States and Union Territories to be administered.