New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs on Tuesday "strongly condemned" visit by Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) General Secretary to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. "We strongly condemn the visit of OIC Secretary General to Pakistan occupied Kashmir and and his comments on J&K during his visit to Paksitan," said MEA official spokesperson, Arindam Bagchi in a statement issued today. 

"Let me reiterate that OIC has no locus standi in matters related to J&K, which is an integral and inalienable part of India. Any attempt of interference and meddling in India's internal affairs by OIC and its Secretary General is completely unacceptable," he added. 

Further the statement read, "OIC has already lost its credibility by taking a blatantly communal, partisan and factually incorrect approach to issues. Its Secretary General has unfortunately become a mouth-piece of Pakistan. We hope that he would refrain from becoming a partner in carrying out the nefarious agenda of Pakistan of promoting cross border terrorism into, especially J&K." 

On Sunday, OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha said that he had undertaken a tour of the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) to implement a resolution adopted by the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) at a recent session, as he wanted to see for himself the situation on the ground, reported PTI. 

He said that the 57-member grouping of Muslim-majority nations has been working on a plan to find a channel of discussion between Pakistan and India on the Kashmir issue.

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"I think the most important thing is to find the channel of discussion between stakeholders [India and Pakistan] and we are working on a plan of action in this regard in collaboration with the Pakistani government and other member countries," OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha told the media in Muzaffarabad on Sunday.

The OIC delegation was on a visit from December 10-12 at the invitation of Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.