New Delhi: An Indian climber died while ascending Mt Kanchenjunga in Nepal, IANS reported. Narayanan Iyer from Maharashtra died on Thursday at a height of 8,200 m. He was heading for the summit point of the world's third-highest peak when the incident happened said Pasang Sherpa, Chairman at Pioneer Adventure, reported the news agency.

Sherpa said the incident occurred when the 52-year-old climber refused to descend even after he fell ill while ending the climb.

Iyer refused to climb back down despite the guide’s insistence, Sherpa claimed. 

He further added that other climbers who scaled the mountain are now descending to the base camp from Camp IV.

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This is the first casualty of the spring season on Mt. Kanchenjunga.

Mt. Kanchenjunga is the third highest peak, however,  until 1852 it was considered to be the highest peak in the world. The mountain borders the Sikkim state of India and Nepal, with three of the five peaks, namely Main, Central and South, directly on the border, and the peaks West and Kangbachen in Nepal's Taplejung District.

Kangchenjunga was first climbed on 25 May 1955 by Joe Brown and George Band, who were part of the 1955 British Kanchenjunga expedition.

In 2016, the adjoining Khangchendzonga National Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.