New Delhi: Retired Army general and Union Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways, VK Singh has made a major revelation regarding the June 15 face-off between Indian and Chinese troops along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Galwan Valley.  Talking to ABP News, Singh said that a sudden fire broke out in the tent set up by the Chinese forces, which led to the scuffle between the two sides. Also Check: Chinese army learning 'Martial arts' to fight against India?

Singh said, in the Lieutenant General level talks between India and China, it was decided that none of the soldiers from both the sides would be present near the border. But on the day of the face-off when the commanding officer from Indian side went to check the border, he found that Chinese forces had not left the spot. A tent had also been set-up by them. The commanding officer asked them to remove the tent, but even as they were removing the tent, a sudden fire broke out, following which both the parties got engaged in a violent clash.

Singh also asserted that Chinese side received more than 40 casualties.

Also Watch: New revelation in Galwan Valley clash by Gen VK Singh

On June 15, Indian and Chinese troops were engaged in worst face-off in the last five decades. The de-escalation talks between both the parties have reached a mutual consensus on de-escalation. However, as per sources, China is still secretly building up its military near the LAC. Recently a satellite image of Chinese tent along the LAC had further raised tensions.

Sources have also revealed that the Chinese troops are planning to rope in martial arts experts to fight against India.