New Delhi: On the occasion of 75th anniversary of India's Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the services, devotion and contribution made by Doctors, Nurses and health care workers in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and also praised the Olympians for their remarkable performance and achievement at the mega sporting event in Tokyo. 

Dressed in a traditional white Kurta with a Gray Nehru Jacket, sleek stall and saffron safa with long pink trail, PM first hoisted the National Flag from the ramparts of Red Fort and then began his speech by conveying greetings to all the great freedom fighters. 

PM Modi Hails Covid Management, Vaccination Drive

Acknowledgeding the sevices of health care workers during the pandemic, PM Modi while speaking from the ramparts of Red Fort said, "our doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, sanitation workers, scientists who were developing covid vaccine & crores of citizens who were working with a sense of service deserve our appreciation."

PM Modi further said that Indians have fought this battle (COVID) with a lot of patience. "We had many challenges but we worked with extraordinary pace in every area. It's a result of strength of our industrialists & scientists, that today India doesn't need to depend on any other nation for vaccines."

He lauded the the largest COVID19 vaccination program being run in India today and said that more than 54 crore people have received vaccine doses so far across the country. 

PM Modi Applauds Tokyo Olympians

Indian athletes Bajrang Punia, PV Sindhu, Mirabai Chanu, Neeraj Chopra and others received a warm round of applause and praise from PM Modi for their remarkable achievement at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. 

“The athletes who have made us proud at Tokyo Olympics are here amongst us today. I urge the nation to applaud their achievement today. They have not only won our hearts but also inspired future generations,” PM Modi said. 

Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayaas

Emphasizing on the importance of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayaas", PM Modi on the occasion of Independence day noted that time has come in India's development journey. 

"A time comes in the development journey of every country when that nation defines itself from a new end, when it takes itself forward with new resolutions. Today, that time has come in India's development journey," PM Narendra Modi noted. 

The Prime Minister highlighted the benefits of many schemes that started in the last 7 years and reached the doorsteps of crores of poor. "From Ujjwala to Ayushman Bharat, the poor of the nation knows their (schemes') strength. Today, govt schemes have picked up pace and are reaching their goals," PM Modi said. 

He further stressed on bring the nation together in building a stronger India. PM in his speech said that it is essential to fully utilise the capabilities of India to take it to new heights, in the 21st century. For this, we have to hold hands of the section that is lagging behind, the area that is lagging behind. He observed that development should be inclusive. The Northeast region, the Himalayan region including Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, the coastal belt and tribal regions will make a foundation for India's development in the future, PM said. 

PM Modi on Development in Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh

Speaking over development in Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh region, PM Modi in his Independence Day speech announced that Delimitation Commission has been constituted in Jammu and Kashmir and preparations are on for assembly elections in the future. he further said that Ladakh on one hand is witnessing the creation of modern infrastructure, while on the other hand Indus Central University will make Ladakh a center of higher education. 

States Granted Right To Make Their Own OBC Lists: PM Modi

During his long speech on the occasion of Independence day, PM Modi highlighted the various measures taken for Dalits, backwards, tribals, economically weak sections of general category. PM noted that reservation was granted to OBCs, under all-India quota, in medical education. Moreover, States have been granted right to make their own OBC lists, PM said. 

Chhota Kisan Bane Desh Ki Shaan: PM Modi

Speaking over measures for the growth and prosperity of small farmers in the country, PM Modi urged citizens to increase the collective power and give new facilities to farmers to allow them becoming the pride of the country. 

"In the coming years, we will have to increase the collective power of the small farmers of the country. We have to give them new facilities. They must become the country's pride," PM Modi said.

"Our mantra is 'Chhota kisan bane desh ki shaan'. It's our dream. In yrs to come, we've to further increase the collective strength of small farmers of the country, we will have to provide them new facilities. 'Kisan rail' runs on more than 70 rail routes of the country today," PM Modi added.