New Delhi: Amid reports that an Indian national has been kidnapped in Afghan capital Kabul, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Thursday said it is in touch with all concerned and will continue to monitor the situation.

“We are in touch with all concerned. We have seen reports about local authorities undertaking investigations into this matter. We will continue to monitor the situation,” MEA official spokesperson Arindam Bagchi told a media briefing.

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According to reports, 50-year-old Bansari Lal Arendeh, an Afghanistan-origin Indian national, was abducted at gunpoint in Kabul earlier on Tuesday.

Responding to a poser on whether Arendeh is an Indian national, the MEA official spokesperson said this is being checked.

“I am given to understand that he is an Indian citizen but we are also checking that part,” said Bagchi.

Arendeh’s family reportedly lives in Haryana’s Faridabad city and he has been engaged in business in Kabul for the last two decades.

The MEA official spokesperson further said it is difficult to say about bringing back the remaining Indians till flight services are resumed in the Kabul airport.

“Till operations at Kabul airport is not resumed, it is difficult to say how to bring them back. Our focus is that operations at Kabul airport resume,” Bagchi said, PTI reported.

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“Then, it will be easier for us to bring back the people,” he added while responding to another question.

The situation at the Kabul airport has remained tense ever since the Taliban seized control of the Afghan capital in mid-August.