New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday paid a surprise visit to Leh amid the ongoing dispute with China along the Line of Actual Control. ALSO READ | China Reacts To PM Modi's Unannounced Leh Visit; Calls For 'Lowering The Temperature'

PM during his visit take a stock of the security situation along the border at a time when the tensions with China do not seem to diffuse on ground even after a series of diplomatic and military level talks.

Accompanied by Chief Of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat and Army Chief MM Naravane during his visit, PM Modi visited the forward areas of Nimmoo, in Leh district and interacted with personnel of Army, Air Force & ITBP, in  a major boost to the morale of the soldiers.

10 Highlights From PM Modi's Visit To Ladakh

PM Modi Express Gratitude To Indian Brave Hearts: Friends , when the defense of the country is in your hands, then there is an unwavering belief. Not only me, the whole country has unwavering faith when you are standing on the border. This is what motivates every countryman to work day and night for the country.

Prime Minister Motivates Soldiers Posted In Leh: While interacting with the soldiers posted in extreme ends of the country, Modi said "From Leh, Ladakh to Siachen and Kargil...and Galwan's icy waters...every mountain, every peak is witness to the valour of Indian soldiers. The bravery that you and your compatriots showed, a message has gone to the world about India’s strength. Your courage is higher than the heights where you are posted today."

Modi Paid Tribute To Martyred Soldiers: I pay tribute to my brave soldiers who were martyred in Galwan Valley. Today, every nation's head bows respectfully before you. Today, every Indian's chest is puffed up by your bravery and valor.

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PM Cheered Women Soldiers in Battlefield: Right now I am also seeing women soldiers in front of me. In the battlefield , this scene on the border inspires itself.

Modi Alerted China In This Message: We are the same people who pray to the flute playing Lord Krishna but we are also the same people who idolise and follow the same Lord Krishna who carries the 'Sudarshana Chakra'.

'Age of expansionism is over': PM Modi said that this is the age of development. History is witness that expansionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back.

Expanding Technology To Become Stronger and Initiate Peace: PM Modi while interacting with the Indian troops, said that India is manufacturing modern weapons today. Bringing the modern technology from the world to the Indian Army. We have increased expenditure on development on infrastructure in the border area by three times. "The weak cannot initiate peace. Bravery is the precondition for peace," said Modi.

IN PICTURES | PM Modi's Surprise Visit To Leh, Major Boost To Morale Of Indian Troops Amid Tensions With China

India Committed To Humanity: Prime Minister in his address said that whether World Wars or peace, whenever the need arises, the world has seen the victory of our braves and their efforts towards peace. We have worked for the betterment of humanity.

PM Commits To Make India Self Reliant: Prime Minister in address once again iterated his vision for 'Atmanirbhar Bharat. PM Modi, said, "Taking inspiration from all of you, I have come to assure you today that together we will create a strong and self-reliant India."

Modi Recalled Greatness Of Ladakhi Culture: Saluting the spirits of Ladakhis, PM said 'This is the land of the nationalists who are always ready to sacrifice for India." Modi further recalled the noble teachings of Kushok Bakula Rimpoche whose inspiring efforts enabled the Indian Army to create an infantry regiment called Ladakh Scout.