NEW DELHI: An Indian origin man named Akshay Venkatesh was among the of four winners of mathematics’ prestigious Fields medal which is also known as Nobel Prize for math. Akshay, who was a child prodigy, was the youngest student to be accepted into the University of Western Australia when he was just 13 years old. He then graduated with first-class honours in pure mathematics at 16 before studying at Princeton.

Who is Akshay Venkatesh?

  1. Akshay Venkatesh, a renowned Indian-Australian mathematician, is one of four winners of mathematics’ prestigious Fields medal, known as the Nobel prize for math.

  2. New Delhi-born Venkatesh was born in New Delhi.

  3. He moved to Perth, Australia, with his parents when he was 2.

  4. In 2002, he earned his PhD at the age of 20. Since then, he has gone from holding a post-doctoral position at MIT to becoming a Clay Research Fellow and, now a professor at Stanford University.

  5. The 36-year-old mathematician is currently teaching at Stanford University.

  6. He has won the Fields Medal for his profound contributions to an exceptionally broad range of subjects in mathematics.

It is to be noted that Venkatesh has worked at the highest level in number theory, arithmetic geometry, topology, automorphic forms and ergodic theory. His research has been recognized with many awards, including the Ostrowski Prize, the Infosys Prize, the Salem Prize and Sastra Ramanujan Prize.