The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued its latest weather forecast on Saturday predicting light to moderate rainfall in parts of Coastal Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Karaikal, while dry conditions are likely to persist in Interior Tamil Nadu. The IMD said that Karnataka will remain dry but predicted cold wave conditions in Bidar, Kalaburagi, and Vijayapura districts. In terms of Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, IMD expects dry weather with localized variations in temperature.
Tamil Nadu
According to Regional Meterological Centre, light to moderate rainfall is expected at isolated locations in Coastal Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Karaikal.
"Mist/ Haze is very likely to prevail over Tamilnadu, Puducherry and Karaikal area generally during morning hours. Ground Frost is likely to occur at isolated pockets over higher hill ranges of Nilgiris District of Tamilnadu during the night," RMC, Chennai stated.
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In Karnataka, dry weather is likely to dominate the state with shallow to moderate fog or mist expected at isolated places in interior parts. On Friday, Bidar recorded the lowest minimum temperature in the plains at 10°C, as per RMC.
"Cold Wave conditions very likely to prevail over Bidar, Kalaburgi, Vijayapura districts of North Interior Karnataka during next 2 days. No large change in minimum temperatures in Coastal Karnataka and South Interior Karnataka," Met Centre, Bengaluru noted.
According to RMC, Kerala is expected to remain dry with no significant rainfall reported. Minimum temperatures have remained above normal in Palakkad and Thiruvananthapuram districts, while other areas reported normal levels.
On Friday, the lowest minimum temperature of 20.3°C was recorded at CIAL Kochi and Kottayam.
Andhra Pradesh
Dry weather will continue across Andhra Pradesh, including the North Coastal Andhra Pradesh (NCAP), Yanam, South Coastal Andhra Pradesh (SCAP), and Rayalaseema regions, according to the Regional Meteorological Centre.