New Delhi: As India’s cases of coronavirus steadily rise, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has reported that around 99 doctors have succumbed to the infection. According to a report by PTI, The medical body has also declared a ‘red alert’ for doctors and medical administrators and has asked them to increase their safety measures.

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The data from IMA National COVID registry data says that out of the total 1,302 doctors infected with COVID-19, 99 have succumbed to the disease. This includes 73 who were above the age of 50 years, 19 in the age-group of 35-50, and seven below 35 years.

"IMA declares RED ALERT to doctors and medical administrators to raise their guard. If COVID-19 mortality has to be lessened, it has to start with doctors and hospitals," the doctors' body said in a statement.

The medical body has also stated some measures to control the fatalities of those who are in the frontline. This included

  • Intense review and updating of all administrative setups in the hospitals, including infection control protocols. Gaps that can create vulnerabilities for medicos should be addressed

  • Feedback system from the doctors, employees, and public needs to be put in place.

  • Cleaning and sanitising protocols need to be strictly followed

The Secretary-General of IMA Dr. RV Asokan has also emphasized special care for areas such as operation theatres, labour rooms, laboratories, and casualties. “ICUs and Critical Care units deserve close scrutiny for adherence to best practices and protocols," said Asokan in the report.

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"IMA strongly advocates the leadership of doctors in adopting all scientific best practices. Doctors need to take charge of the situation and ensure the safety of themselves, their families, their colleagues, and staff," said Dr. Rajan Sharma, National President of IMA in the report who highlighted that Covid-19 death among doctors has become a matter of great concern.