Expressing his love for Delhi and Mumbai SRK said-"I'm a living example of how someone can come to Mumbai & fulfill dreams. I always say I have two mothers - Delhi which gave birth to me & Maha which helped me grow. New policies will create a digital environment, favorable to young India."
On Monday, Shah Rukh Khan had arrived in Davos, Switzerland to receive 24th Annual Crystal Awards at World Economic Forum. The actor received award for his work towards women and children’s rights in India. The other awardees are Cate Blanchett and Elton John. Shahrukh Khan thanked his wife, sister and daughter for making it possible for the actor to achieve this honour.
After taking the award on Monday, SRK gave a small speech at the end of which he said-"Jai Hind"
Later on Monday, India hosted the welcome reception at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual gathering with ministers, business leaders and celebrities in attendance.
More than 130 participants from India would be attending the meeting of the rich and the powerful where the official sessions would kick off with the opening plenary address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Railway Minister Piyush Goyal, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, industrialist Mukesh Ambani, cine star Shah Rukh Khan and film maker Karan Johar, among others, were present at the reception.
Samosa, kachori and a lot of other Indian food items were on the platter at the reception.
After reaching this Alpine town, Modi held a meeting with Swiss President Alain Berset and discussed ways to deepen bilateral ties on the sidelines of the summit.
Modi is also the first Indian Prime Minister to attend the WEF meet in two decades. Over 3,000 world leaders from business, politics, art, academia and civil society would be attending the meeting whose theme is 'Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World'.
(With agencies inputs)