New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a software engineer committed suicide at a function hall on the outskirts of Hyderabad just half-an-hour before he was about to get married, the police said. The deceased identified as N. S. Sandeep, hanged himself at the function hall in Kompally in Medchal district, while the families along with the bride were waiting for the ceremony.
As per the report, the bridegroom went in the makeup room and was alone there. Soon after he did not come out, his relatives repeatedly knocked at the door. As there was no response, they broke open the door to find Sandeep hanging from ceiling fan. The incident shocked the guests and the celebrations turned into gloom.
A resident of Dilsukhnagar area in the city of Hyderabad, Sandeep was to enter the wedlock at 11.35 a.m. The reasons for his extreme step were not known.
A case was registered at Pet Basheerabad police station under Cyberabad police commissionerate limits. Police said they were investigating the reasons for Sandeep's suicide.
(with inputs from IANS)
Hyderabad Shocker! Software Engineer Hangs Self Minutes Before Wedding
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
10 Nov 2019 04:45 PM (IST)
The deceased identified as N. S. Sandeep, hanged himself at the function hall, while the families along with the bride were waiting for the ceremony.
In a shocking incident, a software engineer committed suicide at a function hall on the outskirts of Hyderabad just half-an-hour before he was about to get married, the police said. (Representative photo)
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