In his first public appearance since being released from house arrest after four years, Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq reiterated the separatist amalgam's stance that the Jammu and Kashmir issue must be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means. During the Friday congregational sermon at the historic Jamia Masjid, the Mirwaiz also conveyed the Kashmiri people's commitment to peaceful coexistence between communities and nations and their enduring advocacy for the return of Kashmiri Pandits.

"We have always invited our Pandit brothers to return to the valley. We have always disapproved of making it a political issue. It is a human issue," news agency PTI quoted him as saying.

The Mirwaiz underlined that a part of Jammu and Kashmir is in India, another in Pakistan, and the third in China, all in accordance with the region's configuration as it existed in August 1947. Acknowledging that the people have been divided due to these geographical delineations, he stressed the reality that the issue must be addressed, a stance endorsed by the international community.

The Mirwaiz expressed compassion for the families separated by the dividing line between India and Pakistan, who yearn to reunite and share their joys and sorrows. "While this may be a geographical issue for some, it is primarily a humanitarian issue for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. We must transcend geographic considerations and understand the human values and relationships before progressing towards issue resolution," he said.

Referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement on Ukraine, where he asserted that this is not an era of war, the Mirwaiz affirmed the sentiment's relevance.

"We have consistently believed in and participated in efforts to resolve issues through dialogue and reconciliation instead of resorting to violence. We have personally endured hardships to pursue this path. We have no personal ambitions other than representing the interests and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir," he declared, highlighting that the people seek settlement and peace, as reported by PTI. 

The Hurriyat chairman's release from house arrest comes four years after he was detained following the abrogation of the provisions of Article 370 of the Constitution in August 2019.

Regarding the aftermath of Article 370's abrogation, Mirwaiz described it as a challenging period for the people of Kashmir, marked by assaults on their identity and a series of unilateral decisions that disempowered the region.

He also discussed the denial of his religious and human rights while under house arrest, as well as his subsequent legal battles for release. Despite the challenges, he expressed his unwavering morale and called for the release of imprisoned youths and activists, emphasising that a tough stance on issues leads to human rights violations. He urged the youth to keep their cool, courage, and patience, believing that "there is ease after every difficulty," and expressing hope for a better situation in their favour.