New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah called an urgent meeting of top officials of Delhi over the Jaffrabad violence, which started as pro and anti-CAA groups clashed. Meanwhile, Home Secretary A.K. Bhalla said that the agencies are keeping a close watch on the situation and the necessary arrangements have been done to restore peace in the area.
According to top placed sources in the Home Ministry, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah were in Ahmedabad to welcome US President Donald Trump, the violence at Jaffrabad, Bhajanpura, Maujpur, Dayalpur and Gokulpuri area intensified. Since Trump will be in Delhi on Monday, the Home Minister himself took charge to control the situation in the capital.
A top placed source told IANS: "Home Minister called for an urgent meeting on Monday evening in which Home Secretary Bhalla, Delhi LG Anil Baijal and Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik were instructed to control the situation as soon as possible."
Bhalla on Monday evening said: "We are monitoring the situation at north-east Delhi and violence has been curtailed to some extent. The police and the paramilitary forces have been asked to be on alert. If required, the government will take strict action so as to restore peace in the area."
Violence erupted in Jaffrabad after pro and anti-CAA groups clashed on Sunday and it intensified on Monday. A Delhi Police head constable was killed in the violence while a DCP was injured.
Home Minister Amit Shah Calls Urgent Meeting As Delhi Burns Over CAA Protests
Updated at:
24 Feb 2020 10:17 PM (IST)
Since US President Donald Trump will be in Delhi on Monday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah himself took charge to control the situation in the capital.
A protestor brandishes a pistol during clashes between a group of anti-CAA protestors and supporters of the new citizenship act, at Jafrabad in north-east Delhi. (Image: PTI)
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