New Delhi: On Thursday, Bharatiya Janata Party's Subramanian Swamy commented about entire Padmaavat controversy and said-"It opens old wounds, and that is why such films should not be made."
Questioning about the historical value of the Sanjay Leela Bhansali's latest flick Swamy said-"What is the historical value of it? Zero. They say it has nothing to do with history, then why are you making it?"
Attacking Congress president he said-Why is Rahul Gandhi not taking a stand on it?"
On Thursday, Union Minister VK Singh also while commenting on entire Padmaavat controversy said that freedom of expression doesn't give right to anyone to play with history.
"Concerned parties should sit together and solve this controversy. When things are not done with consensus, then they create problem," he further added.
On Thursday, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's flick Padmaavat released amidst high security in theaters across the country.
Karni Sena is protesting against the movie as it alleges that Bhansali has misrepresented facts about queen Padmavati in the movie.
(With ANI inputs)