New Delhi: Amid a rising chorus on the possible implementation of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) ahead of the Lok Sabha polls next year, Jamiat chief Arshad Madani on Sunday said that they would oppose the UCC but won't take to streets. He said the Jamiat has its personal laws and they stick to that. However, they won’t take to streets over the UCC.

“We have our personal laws for the last 1,300 years. We will stick to that. But we won't like to hit the streets to protest UCC. No government after the Independence did this and we believe there is no need for that. The more there will protests, the Hindus and the Muslims will become distant and the mission of the ill-intentioned people will be fulfilled," Hindustan Times quoted Madani as saying.

Earlier, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) said that it considered Uniform Civil Code unnecessary, impractical and extremely harmful for the country.

"The board feels it necessary to reiterate its stand that the Muslim personal law is derived from Quran and Sunnah and hence even Muslims are not authorised to make any changes...So, the government or any other external source trying to bring any change in these laws will only lead to chaos and disorder in the society which cannot be executed by any sensible government," a statement issued by the AIMPLB read.

The debate around the topic was once again triggered after the Law Commission said it has decided to again look at the need for a Uniform Civil Code and seek the views of various stakeholders, including members of the public and religious organisations.

"Since more than three years have lapsed from the date of issuance of the said consultation paper, bearing in mind the relevance and importance of the subject and also the various court orders on the subject, the 22nd Law Commission of India considered it expedient to deliberate afresh over the subject," the panel said in a statement.