New Delhi: Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah as the Congress faces an uphill task of retaining stability amid the political upheaval in Himachal Pradesh, party leader Jairam Ramesh said the situation currently is “completely under control” and that the BJP failed to destabilise the democratically elected government in the hill state.

Taking a dig at the saffron party, Jairam Ramesh highlighted that similar tactics have been deployed in other states, where the BJP has attempted to exploit financial resources, governmental authority, and coercive influence to destabilise Congress dispensations. However, he asserted that such efforts have failed in Himachal Pradesh.

Taking further potshots at Amit Shah, who is credited with plotting BJP's poll wins and switchovers from Opposition camps, Ramesh invoked master strategist Chanakya and said the BJP strategy failed in the hill state this time.

Taking to X, Ramesh wrote, “Various things are going around in the media regarding Himachal Pradesh. But we want to say one thing very clearly. The Prime Minister and the so-called 'Chanakya' have completely failed in Himachal. After the intervention of the Congress leadership and the promptness of our observers, the situation there is completely under the control of the Congress."

"Like several other states, the BJP had started the game of money power, power of government and muscle power in Himachal Pradesh too to destabilise the Congress government elected by the people with absolute majority. But they failed because the blessings of the people of Himachal are with the Congress. After this incident our resolve has become stronger. We will continue to serve the people of Himachal Pradesh,” he added.

The Congress government in the state is grappling with a severe crisis following the loss of the solitary Rajya Sabha seat, despite having the necessary numbers, due to cross-voting by a faction of its own MLAs.

The Speaker has disqualified the six MLAs involved in the cross-voting debacle. However, the disqualified members are expected to contest their expulsion from the House.