New Delhi: Himachal Pradesh Police on Sunday arrested a 23-year-old man in connection to the case of alleged video leak in Chandigarh University, news agency ANI reported. According to the report, another 31-year-old man has also been detained by the Punjab Police in Shimla. “Himachal Pradesh Police reacted to request of Punjab Police with sensitivity and professionalism. We nabbed the accused. Congrats to Dr Monika, SP Shimla and her team for great professional work,” DGP Sanjay Kundu tweeted.

Earlier in the day, the Mohali Police had claimed that no other objectionable video was found except a personal video shot by a girl, which she shared with her boyfriend.

According to reports, Punjab's Additional Director General of Police, Gurpreet Deo, who reached Chandigarh University along with other senior officials in a bid to take stock of the situation after the students' protests that erupted on Saturday night, said that the woman student appeared to have shared a video of herself with the youth and no objectionable video of any other student was found.

Mohali Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Vivek Sheel Soni said that the protests took place in the university after "rumours" that videos of several women students had been made and leaked. After a preliminary probe, police arrested the woman student who had made a video of herself. 

According to police, an FIR under Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 354-C (voyeurism) and the IT Act has been registered in the matter and further probe is underway.

However, a fresh protest was held on the university campus on Sunday evening by a large number of students, who accused the university authorities of covering up the incident.

Most of the protesters were dressed in black clothes and raised slogans like "we want justice" in the presence of police.