Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday said he will soon meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union home minister Amit Shah and apprise him about the losses suffered by the state due to heavy rains. In a statement issued from Shimla, Sukhu said that a central team visited the affected areas in the hill state to assess the damage and will submit its report, reported news agency PTI. 

The Himachal CM said he will soon visit the national capital to apprise the Prime Minister and the home minister of the losses suffered by the state due to heavy rains. According to Sukhu, Himachal Pradesh has suffered a substantial loss of Rupees 8,000 crores due to the rains. 

According to the report, Sukhu is likely to visit Delhi in the first week of August, as per officials. 

On Sunday, the Chief Minister visited Chamba district where he laid the foundation stone and inaugurated 14 development projects worth Rs 82,14 crore. He inaugurated buildings of education and health institutions, residential complexes and other offices and laid foundation stones of roads and health institutions, as per the report. 

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At least 187 people have died in rain-related incidents and road accidents in Himachal Pradesh so far since the onset of the monsoon on June 24. Thirty-four people are missing, according to official data.

About 702 houses have been washed away in the rain, while 7,161 have been partially damaged, according to the State Emergency Operation Centre

On Friday, the Meteorological Office in Shimla warned of heavy rainfall in the State till Saturday with probability of landslides, flash floods, mudslides, and increased flow of water in the rivers and drains.  It also cautioned of moderate to high risk of flash floods in Solan, Shimla and Sirmaur districts and predicted a wet spell in the state till August 3.