New Delhi: Incessant heavy rains has crippled the normal life and triggered a flood-like situation in several districts in Himachal Pradesh leading to widespread destruction of public properties.

Taking cognizance of the matter, the Union Home Ministry has come forward to extend all possible help to the state government. Union Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to state Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Monday to take stock of the situation and informed that National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams have been rushed to the affected areas to carry out rescue and relief work. 

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"I spoke to Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur regarding the natural calamity caused by heavy rains in Himachal Pradesh. NDRF teams are reaching there soon for relief work. The Ministry of Home Affairs is continuously monitoring the situation. Himachal will be given all possible help from the Centre," Amit Shah tweeted in Hindi. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also expressed concern over the mishap in Himachal Pradesh. PM Modi assured full assistance from the Centre to the state government. 

According to media reports, several districts in Himachal Pradesh including Kangra and Dalhousie witnessed heavy rain after days of hot weather. Two persons went reportedly missing in Kangra district after incessant rains caused flash floods in Dharamshala. 

As reported by ANI, following the heavy downpour, the water level in the Manjhi River drastically rose damaging several shops and houses in the Chetru village of Dharamshala.