Akin to the case of young the girl, who died at a top-notch Gurgaon hospital, post which her grieving parents were handed over a bill of Rs 16 lakh.
To find how the hospitals produce such long bills, ABP News did a sting- ‘Operation black heart surgery’.
During the operation, our undercover reporter met the highest authorities at various hospitals in Delhi and found shocking details.
The under-cover reporter approached various hospitals as a middleman, who has ‘got foreigner patients’ for a treatment at the particular hospital and found out that, hospitals over charge the patient about 30-40%; just to pay the middleman’s cut.
How is the patient over charged by hospital?
As per a marketing manager at Columbia Asia Hospital, located in Ghaziabad “I ensure that I add to every test, and every bill, so that I can pay the middleman his cut”.
Speaking to our undercover reporter, the General Manager at Columbia hospital said, “The patient will get mark-up bill”. The charge is different for Indian patients and International patients. For Indian patients, we can give upto 10% to the middleman by giving a mark-up bill to the patient”.
It’s heart-wrenching to see that more than a service, many doctors and hospitals treat patients as a source of business and money.