New Delhi: In an unfortunate incident, two year old Fatehveer Singh from Bhagwanpur village in Punjab’s Sangrur lost his life after falling into a borewell on Thursday evening while playing near his house. The boy, who was the only child of his parents, battled for over 150 hour inside the borewell and eventually gave in after “delayed action by the authorities”. 

This incident is like a forewarning for the country as inestimable number of incidents has been reported so far. There are many such cases where young children lost their lives by falling into these virtual death traps.

  1. A similar incident took place in May, where Seema, a four year child slipped into a 440 feet deep borewell in the Melana village of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. She was pulled out after 14 hours of operation, but the child had died.

  2. Another such incident took place in March, where Roshan, a four-year-old boy fell into an open borewell in Umaria village of Madhya Pradesh’s Dewas district and was pulled out by the large scale rescue operations performed by the Disaster Relief Team and the Army.

  3. In a similar incident, a six-year-old in the Tiruvannamalai district of Chennai, fell in a borewell and died soon after being rescued just because of the negligence of the land owner. As it was kept open for many days and the borewell diggers did not take any safety precautions.

  4. Despite making heroic attempts the five-year-old Mahi’s life couldn’t be saved who got stuck in a 70-feet-deep borewell in the year 2012 in Manesar near the national capital.

  5. In the year 2009, Kirtan Pranami, an 11-year-old boy from Palanpur in Gujarat died after he fell into a 100ft (30m) bore well.

  6. Prince Kumar Kashyap, the five year old child who fell into a bore well of 55 feet was rescued after 49 hours of undue operations. The moment he was out, he received dramatic recognition. This child was although very lucky as he did not lose his life.

The figures of these deaths are very dreadful as most of the children who fall in these man-made death holes, end up losing their lives. In the year 2012 it was reported that in Madhya Pradesh 67 children died, 39 lost their lives Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh (19), Gujarat (18) and Tamil Nadu (13).

Fatevir’s incident should be a wake-up call for the authorities as the incident could have been avoided by covering the borewell with lids.