Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Singh Badal, who was attacked on Golden Temple premises, will continue offering 'seva' under the religious punishments pronounced by Sri Akal Takht Sahib, party leader Balwinder Singh Bhunder said. Bullets were fired at Golden Temple premises in Amritsar where SAD leaders were offering 'seva'.

"This is the place of Wahe Guru, He protects us. 'Seva' will continue. We trust the Almighty," Bhunder said.

The shooter has been identified Narain Singh Chaura, allegedly a former militant. He had come to the Golden Temple on Tuesday too. Holding a spear in one hand, Badal, in blue 'sewadar' uniform, was at the entrance of the Golden Temple in his wheelchair, serving his punishment. He has a fractured leg.

Who Is Narain Singh Chaura?

Chaura was arrested on 28 February 2013 from village Jalalabad in Tarn Taran and his associates Sukhdev Singh and Gurinder Singh were arrested from village Pandori in the district on the same day. After their interrogation, the police raided a hideout in village Kurali in Mohali district and claimed to have recovered a cache of arms and ammunition.

He was booked under the Explosives Act on 8 May 2010 at the Civil Lines police station in Amritsar. He was also wanted in cases under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in Amritsar, Tarn Taran and Ropar districts. The accused was acquitted by a court in Amritsar in a case under the Explosives Act.