New Delhi: Himachal Chief Minister Virbhardra Singh on Monday faced a massive setback from Delhi High court as the court has rejected his plea to end a money laundering case against him.

The fourth time Chief Minister Virbhadra has cases against him which were filed by both Central Bureau of Investigation and ED.

After CBI’s FIR, FIR by ED was a double whammy for Virbhadra.

As per a plea filed by Virbhadra, the FIR filed against him was part of a ‘conspiracy’ and he had sought from the court to cancel the case against him.

Refuting to the CM’s plea, the court has ordered that the investigation against Virbhadra must take place and the probe should be furthered.

The court order comes when assembly elections are set to take place in Himachal in the coming December.

The matter against Virbhadra surfaced when she started receiving a hefty ‘unaccountable’ amount in his account from his LIC agentAnant Kumar’s account.

Another matter surfaced against him after he purchased a farmhouse in Mehrauli in Delhi, where he had payed an amount of Rs 4 crore in cash.

Another property was bought by him in Greater Kailash, which has been sealed by ED.

On the other hand, the CM had claimed that all the money that he received in his account was from the apple farms he owns in Himachal.