Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday assured support to Delhi CM and Aam Aadmi Party national convenor Arvind Kejriwal in the parliament over the ordinance brought in by the Centre on the transfers and postings of bureaucrats in the national capital.
Thackeray said that the Centre should be called opposition instead of the opposition parties being called opposition since they are against democracy and the Constitution. “We all have come together to save the country and democracy. I think we should not be called 'opposition' parties in fact they (Centre) should be called 'opposition' since they are against Democracy and Constitution,” Uddhav Thackeray said as quoted by the news agency ANI.
Arvind Kejriwal said that Thackeray has promised us that they will support us in the Parliament and if the ordinance does not pass in the Parliament then in 2024, the Modi government will not be coming back to power. "Uddhav Thackeray has promised us that they will support us in the Parliament and if this bill (ordinance) does not pass in the Parliament then in 2024, the Modi government will not be coming back to power," Arvind Kejriwal said.
Kejriwal further said that Delhi government got the right after 8 years. In a democracy, the elected government should have the power. He added, the Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra was toppled through ED and CBI.
The BJP started Operation Lotus in Delhi and tried to approach the MLAs. Kejriwal attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that such a person cannot run the country. He is living with so much ego. The governor of Punjab did not allow the budget session to take place this time.
Kejriwal said that if the bill fails in Rajya Sabha, then this government will not return in 2024. Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann said that democracy is in danger and the elected government is being harassed.