New Delhi: Zee group chairperson Subhash Chandra, who has filed nominations as an independent candidate in Rajya Sabha from Haryana, may find his election as an MP in jeopardy. Though, he has BJP’s support, INLD has decided to support Supreme Court advocate RK Anand. With this, his election as an MP has become difficult.

Despite, Bharatiya Janata Party’s support, the media tycoon needed INLD’s support. Now, INLD has refused to support him.

In Haryana, there are total 90 assembly seats. BJP has 47 seats, INLD 19 seats, Congress has 17 seats.  To become a Rajya Sabha MP from Haryana, having the support of 31 MLAs is required. Out of 47 BJP MLAs, 31 have already supported Chaudhary Birendra Singh. 16 MLAs are supporting Subhash Chandra. He required support of 15 INLD MLAs to secure his election.

INLD, now, has fielded RK Anand as its candidate. Congress can support him and send him to Rajya Sabha, dashing Subhash Chandra’s dream.

However, Subhash Chandra said he would get support from MLAs not parties.