As per Mamata’s son, she left home early morning at 7:30am on January 14, along with her co-artist Mohit for a show. But, hours after leaving the house; Mohit called Mamta’s family and informed that she has left with a bunch of people and hasn’t reached the venue yet.
Thereafter the family filed a missing complaint in the police station, but as per family’s allegation the cops didn’t take any action.
Now, the singer’s family is pointing out fingers at the Haryana Police, whose “laid back attitude claimed Mamta’s life”.
The incident comes only three months after another Haryanvi singer Harshita Dahiya was shot dead.
Now, questions are being raised on Haryana police’s investigation which began only after Mamta Sharma’s body was found.
The Haryana police now is claiming to have gathered suitable evidences and is also claiming to solve the case very soon.