Actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut continues to receive flak over her remarks on the three farm laws that were withdrawn by Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in 2021 after their passage sparked nationwide farmers' protests. With polls due in Haryana, the neighbouring agrarian state, criticism is coming not only from the Opposition's front, but her own party colleagues are distancing themselves from Mandi MP's views. 

The latest attack came from BJP national spokesperson Jaiveer Shergill, who termed her comments on farm laws and Punjabis as "baseless and illogical" and stressed that one should not judge Prime Minister Narendra Modi's bond with Punjab through Ranaut's views.

"I am grateful to the BJP for distancing themselves from the comments of Kangana Ranaut. But as a Punjabi, I must say that Kangana Ranaut's consistent rant, useless, baseless and illogical statements against the Sikh community, the farmers of Punjab are damaging all the good work, the welfare-oriented, the Vikas-oriented work being done, that has been done by PM Modi for the welfare of Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiyat," Shergill told news agency ANI.

"Having said that there should not be any doubt that PM Modi's bond with Punjab, the farmer of Punjab and Punjabiyat is an unbreakable, unshakable bond and that bond should not be judged or seen through the lens of irresponsible comments being made by one MP Kangana Ranaut," he added. 

Farm Laws And Haryana Polls

Kangana Ranaut landed in controversy after she advocated for reinstatement of the three farm bills. Her remarks created ripples in Haryana, a state that was an epicentre of farmers' protests in 2020. With Legislative Assembly polls in Haryana scheduled in October, BJP was quick to distance itself from its MP's opinion. Ranaut apologised after her party's criticism of her remarks. She later even went on to say that her views on farm laws are personal not that of the party. The apology, however, seems to do little to allay the damage her words may have caused to the BJP's image in poll-bound Haryana.