Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar visited his ancestral village on Monday where he handed over his ancestral home in Baniyani, Rohtak district, for the establishment of an e-library for children.
While handing over his home to the village authorities, he expressed his happiness at visiting his village where he had been brought up. He also shared that he spent his childhood in the Baniyani village and completed his education there."Today, I have given my house to the village to set up an e-library in the building," Khattar said.
The Haryana CM said that his parents named the ancestral home after him, and he felt that it should be of use to his village. Therefore, he decided to hand over his and his cousin's house to the village to set up an e-library for the village's people, the education of youth, and the coming generations. "That is why I am very happy to make this announcement today," he said.
Khattar also said that the 200-yard property can be put to other uses as well, which can be discussed by forming a committee.
The CM also inaugurated and travelled in an electric bus in Panipat on Sunday.
Manohar Lal Khattar, who is also the first BJP chief minister of Haryana, came to India with his family in 1947 after being forced out of his ancestral home. His father and grandfather took to farming as a profession after coming to India and thereafter settled in Baniyani village.