NEW DELHI: Terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Saeed has claimed responsibility of the deadly attack on a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy on Saturday in Pampore (J&K) that killed eight jawans and injured 22.

"We masterminded the Pampore attack," Saeed said while addressing a rally in Pakistan.

Eight Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) troopers were killed and 22 others injured in an attack on their bus by two LeT ‘fidayeen’ terrorists on Saturday. The two Lashkar militants were also gunned down.

A vehicle carrying CRPF troops back after routine duties was attacked by two LeT terrorists in Fristbal area near Pampore town on Srinagar-Jammu national highway.

Two LeT terrorists travelling in a private car came from the opposite direction and got down in front of the CRPF bus, resorted to indiscriminate firing and later tried to enter the bus.

CRPF’s road opening party (ROP) “swiftly swung into action and gunned down both the terrorists.

Saeed, on whose head the US has put a bounty of USD 10 million, had on Friday claimed "freedom movement" of the Kashmiris is "gaining momentum day by day".

He had said he will wage a "war" against India to get Pakistani rivers "freed".

We are going to wage jihad (war) against India to get our rivers freed," Saeed said while addressing a gathering of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) workers in Sialokot district of Punjab Province on Friday.

The LeT chief said Pakistan should take serious notice of the United States' warnings which have raised the curtain from its "evil designs" against it.

Saeed, who orchestrated the November, 2008, Mumbai terror attack in which 166 people were killed, roams around freely in Pakistan despite being a designated terrorist and has made many anti-India remarks and speeches.