An application was filed in the Supreme Court on Monday seeking directions to make necessary investigation/survey of the Wuzukhana area in the Gyanvapi mosque where the alleged “Shivling” was found.

The applicant sought a recall of an earlier order by the top court that stayed the ASI survey of the Wuzukhana area.

According to ANI, an application has been filed by a Hindu plaintiff in Gynvapi case seeking directions from the top court to vacate its May 19, 2023 order by which it had put on hold the scientific survey of a “Shivling” said to have been found at the Gyanvapi mosque complex in Varanasi during a videographic survey.

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The application seeks direction from the Director General of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to make necessary investigation/survey of the alleged “Shivling” to determine its nature and associated features without causing any damage to the “Shivling” situated within the sealed area, the ANI reported.

The applicant has demanded ASI survey and sough removal of the "artificial/ modern walls/floors surrounding the Shivling and also to undertake survey of the entire sealed area by excavation and using other scientific methods and submit report", the ANI said.

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Earlier, the apex court stayed the Allahabad High Court's order which has directed a ‘scientific survey’, including carbon dating, of a "Shivling" said to have been found at the Gyanvapi mosque complex in Varanasi during a video graphics survey last year. A bench of Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud and Justices PS Narasimha and JB Pardiwala heard the plea filed by Gyanvapi mosque management committee against the High Court's order seeking scientific investigation by ASI to determine the age of "Shivling".