An incident of stone pelting was reported in Undhela village of Gujarat's Kheda during Navratri celebrations on Tuesday. According to the police, a group led by two people from a different community tried to create some disturbance at the event and pelted stones at people in which 6 of them got injured, reported news agency ANI.
"During Navratri celebrations in Undhela village last night, a group led by two people named Arif & Zahir started creating a disturbance. Later they pelted stones in which 6 got injured, said DSP Kheda, according to ANI.
According to the police about 200 people including women were part of the mob.
"There were 150-200 people including women in the mob. Sarpanch has identified 43 people and gave a complaint against them. Around 10-11 accused have been detained for interrogation," VR Bajpai, DSP Nadiad said, as reported by the news agency.
Soon after the incident was reported, police force was deployed in the village to control the situation and avoid the matter form escalating further. The police is trying to identify all the accused, and has said it will take strict action against the culprits.
"All the accused are being identified and strict action will be taken. Police deployed in the village and necessary arrangements have been made, said the Kheda DSP as reported by ANI.
Clashesh In Vadodara
In another incident, forty people were arrested after a communal clash broke out at a vegetable market in Savli town of Vadodara on Monday.
"40 arrested. A Muslim festival is coming up, owing to which a local group had tied their religious flag on an electronic pole. There is a temple nearby," said Vadodra rural police PR Patel, as reported by ANI.
A clash broke out after another local group went to convey how their religious sentiments were hurt. Stone pelting resulted in damage to nearby vehicles.
An FIR has been filed and accused from both sides have been arrested.
(With inputs from agency)