Gujarat made its way to the Guinness World Record once again on Monday when it achieved the title of 'most people doing Surya Namaskar together'. This comes just months after Gujarat set the Guinness World Record for 'most people performing Yoga together'. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi were also present at the Surya Namaskar programme which was being held on the first morning of 2024 at Mehsana's Modhera Sun Temple. 

The Adjudicator at Guinness World Record told news agency ANI, "I was here to verify the record for the most people doing Surya Namaskar. This is a new title because no one had attempted to break this record before. After going through all the evidence and seeing them perform here in Modhera...They have successfully set a new Guinness World Record title for most people doing Surya Namaskar."

Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi while interacting with the reporters said that this event was organised at 108 locations and lakhs of people performed Surya Namaskar together. Sanghavi said, "Today, Gujarat has set a new record for the most people doing Surya Namaskar together. The people of Gujarat had set the same kind of record in 2023 for most people performing Yoga together and today again Gujarat has set a World record. This event was organised at 108 locations where lakhs of people have performed Surya Namaskar together..."

PM Modi took to X and said that Gujarat welcomed 2024 with an extraordinary feat.

"Gujarat welcomed 2024 with a remarkable feat - setting a Guinness World Record for the most people performing Surya Namaskar simultaneously at 108 venues! As we all know, the number 108 holds a special significance in our culture. The venues also include the iconic Modhera Sun Temple, where several people joined. This is indeed a true testament to our commitment to Yoga and our cultural heritage," the Prime Minister said.