Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said that a "false case" had been filed against AAP Gujarat MLA Chaitar Vasava, and that the BJP administration in the state had begun a "attack" on the whole tribal population, news agency PTI reported. Vasava was charged with threatening forest department officers and firing in the air at his home in Gujarat's Narmada district, while his wife and two others were arrested, police said on Friday.

In a post on X, Kejriwal stated: "Yesterday, BJP filed a false case against AAP MLA and a big leader of the tribal community, Chaitar Vasava. Even his wife was arrested. BJP never allowed the tribals to come forward. Just exploited them. BJP couldn't tolerate that AAP promoted the son of the tribal community." "BJP has launched this attack not on Chaitra Vasava but on the entire tribal society," he said.

At a news conference, senior AAP leader Atishi said that Vasava was arrested because he "raised his voice" for tribal farmers.

"The anti-tribal BJP in Gujarat registered a fake case against Vasava because he raised his voice for tribal farmers and arrested his wife to put pressure on him," she was quoted by PTI in its report.  "Vasava is a son of Gujarat's tribal community and the BJP is attempting to suppress his voice. Entire tribal community in Gujarat will respond to this false case. For years, BJP has ruled in Gujarat without letting any tribal leader rise, now they're attempting to silence Vasava," Atishi said. 

The BJP is aware that the whole tribal community would support Vasava in the approaching elections, which is why a "false case" has been filed, she stated.

BJP Having `Anti-Tribal Mentality’: AAP

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said on Saturday that Gujarat police registered a First Information Report against its MLA Chaitar Vasava as part of a scheme concocted by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, which has a "anti-tribal mentality." Vasava has been charged with threatening forest department personnel and shooting a bullet into the air by Dediapada police in Narmada district earlier this week.

Markets in the tribal-dominated town of Dediapada were shuttered for the day in protest of the police intervention.

Vasava, a tribal community member, is the AAP's legislative party leader in the Gujarat legislature.

In an interview with the media, state AAP leader Isudan Gadhvi stated that the FIR was filed based on a fake accusation and that Vasava was being targeted because of his rising popularity.

He said it was part of a plan developed at the request of the BJP, which has a "anti-tribal mentality."

“BJP never allows schemes for the tribal community to be implemented. It has insulted the tribal community by calling them forest-dwellers. The BJP does not want any tribal leader to advance, and very few schemes for the development of the tribal community reach the people,” he was quoted by PTI in its report. 

“When Chaitarabhai raised his voice for the tribal community, the BJP implicated him in a false conspiracy,” Gadhvi alleged.