Hindu right-wing groups protested on Tuesday, and the Gujarat government demanded an investigation after Hindu kids were reportedly requested to say namaz as part of an awareness programme at a private school, news agency PTI reported. A teacher was beaten up in videos from the rally. On September 29, the state government launched an investigation into the programme held at Kalorex Future School in the city's Ghatlodia neighbourhood. The purpose of organising the programme in question was solely to make pupils aware of the practises of other religions, and no student was compelled to say the Islamic prayer, according to the school, which also apologised.

A pupil from the elementary division may be seen performing namaz in a video of the event that was later taken from the school's Facebook page. Then four other pupils join him in singing 'Lab pe aati hai dua,' an Islamic prayer.

Protesters from the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, Bajrang Dal, and other right-wing organisations gathered on the school grounds.

"It seems that some people want to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the state by organising such programs in schools. Students who took part in that program may not be even aware what exactly they were doing. This is not at all acceptable," Minister of State for Primary, Secondary and Adult Education Praful Pansheriya was quoted by PTI in its report.

"We will conduct an investigation to find out the mentality and intention behind organising such a program and then appropriate action will be taken. We will not spare those who have done anything wrong," the minister added.

"We came across a video which showed that Hindu students of this school were forced to perform namaz during an activity. Following our protest, the school management has tendered an apology and also given an assurance that such activities will not be conducted in the future because only Hindu students have taken admission here," Meet Bhavsar, Gujarat ABVP's media coordinator, was quoted by PTI in its report.

Activists and irate parents assaulted a teacher shown playing a musical instrument in the event video during the demonstration on Tuesday, according to viral footage. No police case had been filed in this respect as of yet.

The school administration apologised in writing and stated that they will be more cautious the next time.

Nirali Dagli, the school's principal, stated that it was the school's custom to educate children about different religions and religious practises prior to festivals.

"In view of Eid, we had organised this activity for the students of standard II to give them information about the festival. We carry out such activities ahead of festivals of all religions, including Samvatsari and Ganesh Chaturthi. No student was forced to perform namaz. It was just a two-minute activity, and the students who participated had taken consent from their parents," she informed media.