Gujarat grappled with heavy rainfall on Sunday with flooding in numerous areas necessitating the evacuation of 9,600 people to safety. Additionally, 207 individuals were successfully rescued in five districts as the Narmada and other rivers surged due to the deluge. Ahmedabad, in particular, bore the brunt of the torrential downpour, receiving 76 mm of rain within a span of 12 hours, culminating at 6 pm on Sunday, news agency PTI reported. The excessive rainfall disrupted normal life, prompting authorities to block underpasses as a precautionary measure due to the waterlogged streets.

As per DD News Gujarati, the NDRF rescued four people stranded due to the overflowing Panam river near Uchwan in Devgarh Bariya taluka of Dahod district following heavy rains.

The surge in water levels in the Narmada River, emanating from the release of substantial amounts of water from the Sardar Sarovar dam (SSD), compounded by heavy rainfall in the catchment regions of Madhya Pradesh, led to extensive flooding in low-lying areas of Narmada district.

The aftermath of the flooding caused the relocation of 9,613 flood-affected individuals to safer locations. Bharuch registered the largest group of evacuees, totaling 5,744, followed by 2,317 in Narmada, 1,462 in Vadodara, 20 in Dahod, and 70 in Panchmahal, PTI reported.

Notably, those shifted to safer areas involved residents from 28 affected villages, as well as individuals in proximity to the world's tallest monument, the Statue of Unity, situated in Narmada district.

The swelling Narmada River triggered flooding in parts of Vadodara and Bharuch districts situated along the riverbanks, as per PTI's report

Apart from the Narmada, rain caused rivers such as Orsang, Heran, Mahi, Meshri, and Panam to swell due to heavy rain coupled with dam water releases, resulting in the inundation of low-lying villages.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has raised a red alert for Panchmahal, Dahod, Kheda, Aravalli, Mahisagar, Banaskantha, and Sabarkantha districts, forecasting isolated, extremely heavy rainfall until Tuesday morning. The IMD also anticipates isolated instances of heavy to very heavy rainfall in Gujarat through Thursday morning.

Shweta Teotia, the Narmada collector, reported that rescue efforts are underway, with close oversight from the administration in response to the dam's water release.

Gujarat Flood: CM Bhupendra Patel Conducts Aerial Survey, Rescue Teams On Ground

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel conducted an aerial survey of the affected region. Patel was present in Ekta Nagar, Narmada district, on Sunday morning to offer prayers to the river as the SSD reached its full reservoir level of 138.68 meters, the report mentioned.

Government response to the crisis includes the deployment of two NDRF teams in Narmada and one each in Bharuch, Rajkot, Junagadh, and Vadodara. Additionally, three SDRF teams are in Narmada and Vadodara, with one SDRF team each in Dahod, Bharuch, and Banaskantha, all engaged in relief and rescue operations. Two Army teams in Vadodara remain on standby, PTI reported officials as stating.

NDRF personnel and local rescue teams evacuated stranded individuals, including around 70 students from a residential school in Narmada district and approximately 100 laborers trapped under a bridge near a river in Panchmahal district. An NDRF team also rescued stranded patients in a hospital in Vasantpara village in Narmada district.

As evening approached, a Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL) official reported that the dam's water level eased below its full reservoir level of 138.68 meters, with the inflow gradually receding. This reduction in river water release is expected to alleviate flooding along the riverbanks, the official added, as per PTI.

The torrential downpour heavily impacted parts of Panchmahal, Mahisagar, Sabarkantha, Aravalli, Kheda, Dahod, Vadodara, and Ahmedabad districts. Notably, Godhra and Sehra talukas in Panchmahal district recorded the highest rainfall in Gujarat for the day, receiving 226 mm and 220 mm, respectively, within a span of 12 hours until 6 pm on Sunday.

About 10 major dams, including Ukai, Damanganga, Kadana, and Bhadar, are approaching their overflowing capacity, PTI reported citing government data.

Gujarat has experienced nearly 90.8% of its average annual rainfall thus far, with Kutch and Saurashtra regions recording 137% and 111% of their respective rainfall averages. Meanwhile, south, east-central, and north Gujarat have witnessed 85%, 83%, and 76% of their average rainfall, respectively, according to the State Emergency Operation Centre (SEOC) data.

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