Ahmedabad: The Gujarat Government has said that it has taken 'prompt action' against people accused of atrocities against the Scheduled Castes (SC) at Una in Gir Somnath district. A statement said the accused have been arrested and sent to jail, while the government ordered that a chargesheet be filed within 60 days.

As per the chargesheet, four policemen have been suspended and the case has been handed over to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID-Crime) for further probe.

"On 11, July, 2016 few people were caught removing skin from a cow carcass at the Bediya village of Gir Somnath. Five accused came in Xylo car and asked them, 'why were they slaughtering the cow?'. Victims replied, that they were removing the skin of the cow carcass," the statement said.

"The accused were not satisfied with the explanation of victims and they immediately started abusing and beating them. All  accused collectively beat complainant with the iron pipe, sticks, aluminum strip, etc. The accused robbed three mobile phones of the complainant and other victims," it added.

The accused were booked under sections 307, 323, 324, 395, 504 of the Indian Penal Code, section 135, section 3 (2) (v) of the Gujarat Police Act and Prevention of Atrocities against six persons. Furthermore, an ex-gratia of Rs. 4 lakhs has been sanctioned for every victim, while all the expenses on their treatment would be borne by the government.