New Delhi: A day after liquor baron Vijay Mallaya was arrested in London, the government is claiming to have left no stone unturned to ensure his return to the country. Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday said the Centre is making all necessary steps to get Mallya back and put him before the law.
"The government of India will take all necessary steps to get Vijay Mallya back to India and put him before the law. That is the purpose of the government," Naidu told a news agency.
The Union Minister also ensured that the Government would put a pressure on UK government to ensure that there are no hurdles in Mallya’s return. "We will be impressing upon the UK government to extradite the liquor baron from UK and send him back to India as he is facing charges in India. We hope UK government will respond positively," he added.
Mallya was arrested on Tuesday by Scotland Yard in London on an extradition warrant by India. He was granted bail after 3 hours of his arrest. The Scotland Yard also issued a statement following his arrest saying that “the absconding businessman was arrested on behalf of the Indian authorities in relation to accusations of fraud”.
"Officers from the Metropolitan Polices Extradition Unit have this morning, Tuesday 18, April arrested a man on an extraction warrant. He was arrested after attending a central London police station, and will appear at Westminster Magistrates; Court later today, 18 April," read the official statement of the Scotland Yard.
Mallays’s arrest came days after a Delhi court had issued a non-bailable warrant against him in connection with the 1995 FERA violation case.