Bengaluru: Asserting that government is in favour of women on the issue of triple talaq, union minister Naidu on Sunday said that the “NDA government was ready to bring a law to stop the triple talaq in the Muslim community, if necessary”.

Naidu who was in Bemgaluru to attend a campus event said, "Our government has made its stand very clear on triple talaq. If necessary, it will bring a legislation against it.. after allowing the community to reach a consensus through deliberations".

Naidu's remarks came days after the Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its verdict on multiple petitions on the constitutional validity of the practice of a Muslim man divorcing his wife by pronouncing the word talaq thrice in one instance. A section of Muslim women have opposed the practice.

A five-judge constitution bench, headed by Chief Justice J.S. Khehar, heard the issue for six days from May 11 during which parties, including the central government, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, All India Muslim Women Personal Law Board and others made submissions.

Asserting that the community itself should come forward towards ending the practice, Naidu said like the Hindus, Muslims too should put an end to such social evils.