While, Rajya Sabha proceedings were adjourned for close to an hour after opposition parties sought to raise the issue of NPR and amended citizenship law, in Lok Sabha the opposition MPs protested against the firing incidents in Delhi’s Jamia and Shaheen Bagh. They raised slogans like “Say no to CAA”, “save our democracy” and “save our Constitution”.
They started chanting ‘goli maarna band karo, desh ko todna band karo’ as Anurag Thakur, began addressing the House.
Anurag Thakur was banned by the Election Commission for 72 hours due to his controversial “Goli Maaro” remark during campaigning for Delhi Assembly elections.
Also watch: Sloganeering against Anurag Thakur by Opposition in Lok Sabha
During campaigning in Rithala, Thakur had egged on the crowd to raise an incendiary slogan - "traitors should be shot at" after he lashed out at anti-CAA protesters. The remark led to a massive controversy prompting the Election Commission to ask the Bharatiya Janata Party to remove his name from the list of star campaigners. A day after that, the EC imposed a 72-hour long ban on Thakur from campaigning.